Weaving Blog

Day 10 - Weaving with Hope in Unity

We were back again recently at St Mary’s Guildhall for the last weaving session of our residency. We were joined by a wonderful group of Caribbean elders from Hope in Unity and enjoyed a superb turnout of volunteers from The Weavers’ Workshop who are based in Spon End, Coventry.

Prepared butterflies were lined up ready for the off and we made good progress with the weaving during our morning session. We shared new skills with the visiting group and plans were hatched for this lively group of ladies to continue weaving.

The tapestry is edging closer to the finishing line, when completed it will return to the Guildhall to hang close to the inspiring Coventry Tapestry. See photos for progress and participation. Click on any photo to open up in gallery.

Diane WoodComment