Weaving and words - some early thoughts
Text is embedded in the word textile and there are many crossovers. Some examples follow where text and textile are interwoven: to weave is to take a thread for a walk; when we read we follow the thread of a story; we can lose the thread of an argument. Sharing here a few more collected over during the project, much taken from Text on Textile by Isabella Ducrot (The Cahiers series)
Weaving words and story
Meditations on material
Stuff of stuff
To weave is to be human
Trama - in Italian means both plot and thread.
Uninterrupted storytelling chain of oral traditions.
Boundless linearity of weft - to lose the thread or to weave a story
Weaving is orsus (Latin). Translates as beginning, word and warp and weft!
Time and textile
Time and woven textile are similar - each journeys along an irreversible path.
Irreversibility of time suggest on a par with the challenge of undoing Weaving.
Each warp and weft ‘ crossing ‘ marks a moment in time. The elements are dependent upon each other.
Homer’s Penelope - again weaving wedded to time. Restraining the weave forced time to slacken.
Warp thread - destiny ( the three Fates - one spun the thread of life, the second measured the thread and the third cut it (death)
Weaving is orsus (Latin). Translates as beginning, word and warp and weft!
Warp and weft
Sacred wedding - weft connecting with warp.
Sinuous curves wrap stiffened lines (weft wraps warp)
The essence of weaving - the rhythmic intersection of warp and weft that gives weaving its unique character. The constrained threads create a tension between emptiness and fullness that resolves itself in a dynamism that suffuses the cloth with energy and animates its surface.
Dynamic relationship establishing tensions and alliances. Makes finished piece so much more than the individual threads that it’s made from.
Undoing knitting is easy - no memory of dramas arising when opposing elements were bound together, undoing weaving is much more challenging.
Warp thread - destiny
Fringes - warp threads interrupted loosened cut.
By contrast weft uninterrupted - continuous thread.
Weaving is orsus (Latin). Translates as beginning, word and warp and weft!
Weaving and poetry
Rhythm and rhyme - both essential to the craft of the weaver.
The mind has a need for order. Composition, structure, rhythm, rhyme.
Rhyming line ends. (poetry) Breaths and sighs, contractions and distensions.